Exchange referrals. Grow your firm’s revenue with Overture
The #1 attorney-to-attorney referral platform for solos & small firms. Take on referrals or generate fee splits for clients you can’t serve.
Refer, track, and ethically share fees, all in one platform
Post a referral to the platform in seconds. Easily post your referral to the platform to share with attorneys who can assist.
Find your client a great referral in minutes
Choose up to three attorneys to receive your referral. As attorneys respond to your referral, you control who you select to ensure a good fit with your client.
Fully compliant with fee-splitting laws
Because Overture is set up as a law firm, Overture Law PC, that allows us to share in fees with our members for successful referrals, and handle the billing for matters that go through the system.
Trusted by 4,000 attorneys
Across the country attorneys are finding their clients great referral in minutes... and earning more!
Featured on 27 State Bars & Law Societies
Trusted by 4,000+ solo & small firm attorneys to exchange referrals
Built By Attorneys For Attorneys

Brian Liu, Esq.
Chairman of Overture

Arya Firoozmand, Esq.
Chief Executive Officer

Curt Brown, Esq.
Wednesday, October 4, 2023 Overture
Referral Fees 101: Unlock The Hidden Revenue In Your Practice
Learn how to use referral fees to unlock one of the biggest untapped revenue sources in your firm.
About Overture
At Overture, we believe in the power of solo and small firms. The firms that serve the individuals and small businesses that drive this country are truly the backbone of the legal profession. Everything we do is dedicated to empowering these firms to better serve their clients and grow their practices.
We get it, because we’re one too.